potato prints

Upon Us All Equally. tranzit statements for the future,, Bucharest, 2019
Photo / Model 2 Memories of Forgetting, Hungarian University of Fine Arts, 2018

During my trip to Rome, I discovered virulent colonies of ailanthus trees (Ailanthus altissima) growing on the ruins of the Forum Romanum. In the area, formerly referred to as “cow pasture”, the ruins were mostly covered with earth and natural growth. Then, beginning in 1803, as a result of the Grand Tour and Piranesi’s prints, the ruins became of interest again, so the layers of soil and plant life were cleared off. Now the three visual components of the site became the crumbling stone and terracotta remains of antique Rome, the aluminum structures put in place to conserve them, and the ailanthus trees breaking them down and transforming them into a natural habitat.