Heroes' Place
organized with: Miklós Zsámboki

Participants: Ádám Albert, Erika Baglyas, Anna Balázs, Orsolya Barna, Judit Fischer, Gruppo Tökmag, Dávid Gutema, Tünde Horváth, Ádám Hőrich, Réka Katona, Gábor Kristóf, Anna Lénárd, Miklós Mécs, Mózes Márton Murányi, PR Group, Klára Rudas, Dávid Smiló, Société Réaliste, Anna Szász, Lajos Tihanyi, Hajnalka Tulisz

On the Edge, Tabačka Kulturfabrik, Budapest, Kosice, 2016
Heroes’ Place, city walk and discussion at Lebendenkmal, Budapest, 2014
Heroes’ Place, Higgs Field Gallery, Budapest, 2014

Part of the reshaping plans of Kossuth square (Budapest, Hungary) in 2012 was to reconstruct its artistic image of the era previous to 1944. This meant the disappearance of the monuments erected since 1944 and also the reconstruction of the statues of Gyula Andrássy and István Tisza, both demolished in 1945. Constructions finished on time, however the statues were not ready yet, resulting in two empty plinths on the two ends of the new square. Although permanent monuments were to be erected, until then the opportunity rose to play with the thought: anything could happen on the plinths. We invited artists, historians, sociologists, aesthetes and others to make proposals together: what should happen to the two plinths, on which politicians are about to commemorate politicians? To present the proposals we asked the participants to draw their ideas on transparency foils, onto which we previously printed the shapes of the two plinths. By this, when standing in front of the plinths, one could look through the foil, and „place” the proposed design on the empty plinth.

PR Group: Ailanthus + Ragweed Garden
Erika Baglyas: Compromise
Judit Fischer: Unknown Bread Soldiers
Gruppo Tökmag: climbing wall
Judit Fischer: Magician Saw Box
Ádám Albert
Miklós Mécs: Remains of famous people
Société Réaliste: Cosmopolites de tous les pays encore un effort