Invasive Alien Species
experimental documentary video series (in progress) 2016-
with: Kitti Gosztola

— pilot: The Flying Kayak, Konkoly Thege Observatory, OFF-Biennale Budapest, 2017

The European Union made a regulation on invasive alien species (species introduced by humans in new areas) based on utilitarian calculations, and as the plants and animals have no unalienable rights they called for the total annihilation of several species in the continent.
We started the project to tell stories about some species from the list. Stories that were made about them in their original home, like Pliny the Elder’s text about the sacred ibis in his Natural History, or Zhuang Zhou’s parable on the ailanthus tree. We contrast these stories with people's thoughts on and practices with these plants and animals in Europe.
We are interested in how what we call natural is interpreted. If somebody says its “against nature”, it is considered the ultimate evil, but in another debate, something against the ecosystem can be an insignificant opinion. In nowadays fables of plants and animals one species can be a terrorist and another a patriot.